Vile Death Threats Against James McClean Once Again Highlight The Failings Of The FA…

Since moving across the Irish Sea in 2011, Stoke City winger James McClean has been on the receiving end of an endless amount of vile discrimination. McClean has been on the receiving end of a huge amount of abuse in part because of his principled decision not to wear a poppy.
James McClean Again the Victim of Vile Death Threats
The Poppy Situation
During the winter of 2018, the abuse ramped up again as ‘Poppy Season’ came around once more. At the time, McClean was subject to torrential amounts of abuse from the stands, as he so often is, despite the fact that, as has been pointed out by some observant members of the public, McClean definitely isn’t the only player to make such a stand. McClean has also been targeted by death threats, vicious packages and threats have been made towards his family.
Kick It Out
No words needed
— James McClean (@JamesMcC_14) May 1, 2019
McClean, having recently turned 30-years-old, also received a hate-filled ‘birthday’ card. Photographs of the front and back covers were also posted on Instagram by his wife, who was too disgusted to post the contents inside the card, which are covered in vile death threats and anti-Irish slurs. This is a blatant example of racist abuse suffered by McClean, and not for the first time, and many will be eagerly awaiting a response from the ‘Kick It Out‘ campaign. ‘Kick It Out’ was formed in 1993 ‘to tackle all forms of discrimination‘.
In the past few months and years, the issue of racism has been clamped down on. This is a wonderful step forward, as discrimination has no place in football. However, the FA have continued to fail James McClean, and every Irish person playing football in England. It is nothing short of disgraceful that the FA have yet to take a hardline opposition to such abuse. In no other circumstances would this be seen as acceptable. Change needs to occur, and very swiftly.